As far as I can tell, this game is the first RPG imitating the Dragon Quest style Dragon Quest 1 and 2 had already come out by this point, but it took a while before other companies began to mimic their design Rather than the generic fantasy world of Dragon Quest, Data East used ancient Greek mythology as the basis for their gameBased on Stardust Crusaders The first JoJo centric game released, it was never localized outside Japan Production was done under Shinji HashimotoThis is a pretty traditional RPG scenario None of them have any money, so the only way you get new equipment and items is by finding them, or in this scenario, combining multiple items to make a new piece of equipment (which you can do by talking to certain people) Battles play out on a grid Cm Rpgツクール2 Sfc Rpg Tsukuru 2 Commercial Super Famicom Ascii アスキー Snes Youtube Sfc rpg game